Email Help

If you are not receiving emails sent out by the church or by your group leaders, there could be a few reasons why. The most common reason is that your email provider is sending these emails to your “spam” or “junk” folders instead of delivering them to your inbox. To remedy this, you will need to let your email provider know that these emails are safe (this is called “whitelisting” or “allowlisting”). Allowlisting an email tells your email provider to place emails from specific senders into your inbox rather than marking those emails as spam. It will also help the church because when enough users allowlist a specific email, it helps deliverability from that email address to everyone.

Allowlisting may look a little different in each email provider, but the basic process involves adding these four domains* to your address book or your “safe senders” list:





Select your email provider to learn how to allowlist email addresses in your email account:

After allowlisting those email addresses, church emails will always appear in your inbox, and these important emails won't slip through the cracks!

If the emails are not being sent to your Spam/Junk folders, then they are likely being blocked altogether by the your email spam filter. When that happens, Planning Center marks that email address as blocked and temporarily stops sending it messages until the issue is resolved.*
To unblock the blocked email address:

  • The blocked person adds the following email addresses* to a contact in their email address book:





  1. Then click HERE to contact a PCO administrator and have them unblock the address.

*Some email programs allow adding just the address domain (that is, the last part of the address after the @ symbol) as a trusted sender in the program's spam settings.

If the above information did not resolve your issue, please click here to request help.